Event Reporting and
Connected Event Report
The Connected Event Report is sent as follows:
■When a
■When a call is delivered to an
■When a call is redirected to an
■Any time a station is connected to a call (for example, pick up on bridged call appearance, service observing, or busy verification)
■After a Trunk Seized Event Report for
■When a device is
In general, this event report is not sent for split or vector announcements or attendant group 0.
Multiple Connected Event Reports
Multiple event reports may be sent for a specific call. For example, when a call is first picked up by coverage, the event is sent to the active associations for the coverage party, as well as to the active associations for all other extensions already on the call. If the call is then bridged onto by the principal, the Connected Event Report is then sent to the associations for the principal, as well as to the associations for all other extensions active on the call. For more information on bridging, see Chapter 12, ‘‘ASAI and Feature Interactions.’’
Multiple event reports may also be sent for the same extension on a call. For example, when a call is first picked up by a member of a bridge, TEG, or PCOL, a Connected Event Report is generated. If that member goes
Connected Event Report Items
The following is a list of items provided with this report:
calling party number/billing number (CPN/BN)
■For outgoing calls over PRI facilities — “calling number” as in the ISDN SETUP message