ASAI and Value Query Capabilities
—Dialing (initiate): A station on the call is
—Alerting: The call is alerting (ringing). This also includes calls at simulated bridges of stations that are ringing.
—Connected (active): A call is active at the station (talking state). This includes active calls at a bridged or simulated bridged appearance.
—Held: A call that was put on hold.
—Bridged: A call is present at a bridged, simulated bridged, button TEG, or PCOL appearance, and the call is neither ringing nor connected (active) at the station.
—Other: All other call states, including conference pending, listening to tone, and so forth.
party_id list provides a party identifier for the station on each of the calls. Note that there is a
Call Classifier Status Query ACK Parameters
The ECS responds with the number of “idle” and
Starting with R5, if the USA Default Algorithm? field is set to n on the System Parameters OCM Call Classification form, this query will provide the total number of ports for the TN744D and TN2182B boards (and any later versions) that are idle and
Date/Time of Day ACK Parameters
The ECS response contains the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.
Extension Type Information Query ACK
The ECS responds with the following information:
Extension_class specifies the extension number as:
■Vector Directory Number (VDN)
■Hunt group (ACD split)
■Data extension