Installation and Test for CallVisor ASAI
DEFINITY ECS Administration Forms
In addition to the CallVisor ASAI link administration, there may be other DEFINITY ECS administration forms to be completed for the specific ASAI application. These required forms are listed next.
■ASAI Adjunct Alarm Administration — The system default for CallVisor ASAI alarms is to provide warnings when an ASAI link fails or the adjunct does not respond to ECS messages. The customer can tune the level of
■Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) — Add/Change Hunt Group, Trunk Group, Station,
■EAS Skills and Logical Agents — Agent Login ID form, Add/Change Hunt Group form, and Add/Change VDN Form
Automatic Route Selection (ARS) — Change ARS Digit Analysis Form
Call Vectoring — Add/Change VDN and Call Vector Forms
Outbound Call Management (OCM) Special Information Tones (SITs) — Remote Access Form
■Starting with R5.5 : International Outbound Call Management (OCM) — System Parameters OCM Call Classification Form
■Starting with R5.5 : Advice of Charge (AOC) — Trunk Group forms. Set the following values to implement this feature:
—none to indicate no charging information is expected from the network
—automatic to indicate charging information is expected from the network without invocation by DEFINITY ECS.
In addition, the CDR Reports? field must be set to y in order to administer the Charge Advice field.