ASAI and Request Feature Capabilities
■Switching Equipment Congestion (CSO/42)
The ECS is not accepting the request at this time because of processor overload. The adjunct or user may wish to retry the request but should not do so immediately.
Requested facility (capability) not subscribed/provisioned (CS0/50) The user has not subscribed for the specific capability.
Mandatory information element (parameter) missing (CS0/96) A required parameter is not present in the request.
Resources not available (CS3/40)
The request cannot be executed due to a lack of available ECS resources.
Invalid number (CS0/28)
An invalid ACD split or agent extension value has been designated in the request.
Invalid association (CS0/81)
The association is already in existence.
Agent not member of split (CS3/11)
The agent making the request is not a member of the specified split.
Incorrect number of agent login digits (CS3/14)
Agent not logged in (CS3/15)
The agent is not logged in (applies only to agent log in.)
Agent logged into another split (CS3/13)
The agent is already logged into the maximum number of splits.
In same state (CS3/16)
The request puts the agent in the same state that he or she is currently in.
User Busy (CS0/17)
The agent is busy on another call. For the particular extension, the agent is active (talking) on a call when a login request is made — an agent cannot be logged in when in the active state.
Also, if the station user goes
■Service/Feature not available (CS3/63)
The feature is not available for the extension entered as the split extension. Note that an invalid split extension can be valid nonsplit extension (such as an agent extension) on the ECS, but it is still denied.
Temporary Failure (CS0/41)
System failure
Agent state inconsistent with request (CS3/12)
A work mode change is requested for a