ASAI and Feature Interactions
Call Management System (CMS)
When a device is added to a measured call via
Phantom calls remaining in queues for long intervals of time could cause overflow in CMS reports.
Call Park
A controlled station can activate Call Park.
A call may be parked manually at a station by use of the “call park” button (with or without the conference and/or transfer buttons), or by use of the feature access code and the conference and/or transfer buttons.
When a call is parked by using the “call park” button without either the conference or the transfer buttons, there are no event reports generated. When the conference or transfer buttons are used to park a call, the Call Conferenced or Call Transferred Event Reports are generated. In this case, the “calling” and the “called” number in the Call Conferenced or Call Transferred Event Reports are the same — that of the station on which the call was parked.
When the call is unparked, a Connected Event Report is generated with the “calling” and “called” numbers indicating the station on which the call had been parked, and the “connected” number is that of the station unparking the call.
If the call remains active at the parking station (via conference), no changes occur to the listening disconnected paths as a result of parking. If the call drops from the parking station (via transfer), its paths are disconnected from everyone on the call.
Call Pickup
A call alerting at a controlled station may be picked up using Call Pickup. The station picking up (either the principal or the pickup user or both) may be
Starting with R5, the maintaining of a simulated bridge appearance at a principal’s multifunctional set can be administered. This means that when a pick up user