Event Reporting and
old party_id
The list of all parties corresponding to the calls prior to the conference. This report item is used in conjunction with the Party_id list to map the party ids prior to conference to the party ids after the conference.
resulting call_id
The call identifier retained by ECS after the two calls are merged.
party_id list (up to six numbers)
The party identifier is a number corresponding to a specific entry number in the Extension List
extension list (up to six entries)
The list of all transferred extensions on the call resulting after the transfer. It may contain alerting extensions or group extensions as well as default trunk values (#####) (if the call contains
The extension consists of local extensions or group extensions. Group extensions are provided when the transfer is to a group and it takes place before the call is answered by one of the group members.
If it is an
UCID (Universal Call ID)
Starting with Release 6, UCID is included in the Call Transferred Event Report only if it exists in the DEFINITY ECS and the “Send UCID to ASAI”11 field is administered to ‘y’. It is a unique tag assigned to each ECS call. UCID provided is the one that will be used to track the call in future call events.
11. The field “Send UCID to ASAI” is administered on the