ASAI Release History
Multiple Monitors
The Multiple Monitors feature provides the ability for up to three ASAI applications to monitor the same ACD Split or VDN domain. Prior to G3V3, only one application could monitor a domain.
International Switches
This is an administration option to allow or not allow Predictive Dialing - Switch Classified Calls (Third Party Make Calls) with service
This enhancement is beneficial in those countries that either do not permit
Multiple Outstanding Route Requests
The Multiple Outstanding Route Requests feature allows multiple ASAI Route Requests for the same call to be active at the same time. The Route Requests can be over the same or different ASAI links. The requests are all made from the same vector. This feature is used for load balancing.
Connected Event Report for Non-ISDN Trunks
Connected Event Report for
ASAI-Provided Digits
Issue 7 March 1998