5-28 Installing the Operating System with Express Setup
Reserve the partition to install the OS more than the minimally required size.
If you select "Use Existing Array" at "New/Existing RAID Configuration", the information included in the first partition (excluding maintenance partition) will all be formatted and deleted. The information included in the other partition will be retained.
In the figure below, describes the partition which information will be deleted when maintenance partition exists.
First Partition
<Maintenance Partition>
Third Fourth
Partition Partition
Retained Retained
You can not
If "Create New Partition" at "New/Existing RAID Configuration" is selected, do not specify the value for the partition more than the actual area size.
If you specify other than 4095MB for the "Installing Partition", it is necessary to convert to NTFS.
If you specify other than 120GB for the actual area, you may not create the partition specified as the entire area in sizes more than 120GB.
If "Use Existing Array" at "New/Existing RAID Configuration" is selected but the partition other than the one to install Windows 2000 does not exist (excluding maintenance partition), Express Setup will reserve the maximum area of the hard disk to install Windows 2000.
You can not go to the next screen if the specification is incorrect.
On specification, an error may occur in relationship with the specified contents of the former screen and require to go back to modify the specification.
During the setup, the screen to specify the partition that Windows 2000 is to be installed appears. The first 55MB area displayed on the screen is a partition that is used to store the configuration information or utilities unique of the server. We do not recommend to delete this area, but if you do not want to reserve this 55MB area, perform the installation by manual setup. It is unable to delete this area by Express Setup.