High Performance Two Port 10/100 Managed Ethernet Switch with
Datasheet Enable Register (INT_EN)Offset: | 05Ch | Size: | 32 bits |
This register contains the interrupt enables for the IRQ output pin. Writing 1 to any of the bits enables the corresponding interrupt as a source for IRQ. Bits in the Interrupt Status Register (INT_STS) register will still reflect the status of the interrupt source regardless of whether the source is enabled as an interrupt in this register (with the exception of SW_INT_EN). For descriptions of each interrupt, refer to the Interrupt Status Register (INT_STS) bits, which mimic the layout of this register.
31 | Software Interrupt Enable (SW_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
30 | Device Ready Enable (READY_EN) | R/W | 0b |
29 | 1588 Interrupt Event Enable (1588_EVNT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
28 | Switch Engine Interrupt Event Enable (SWITCH_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
27 | Port 2 PHY Interrupt Event Enable (PHY_INT2_EN) | R/W | 0b |
26 | Port 1 PHY Interrupt Event Enable (PHY_INT1_EN) | R/W | 0b |
25 | TX Stopped Interrupt Enable (TXSTOP_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
24 | RX Stopped Interrupt Enable (RXSTOP_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
23 | RX Dropped Frame Counter Halfway Interrupt Enable | R/W | 0b |
22 | RESERVED | RO | - |
21 | TX IOC Interrupt Enable (TIOC_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
20 | RX DMA Interrupt Enable (RXD_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
19 | GP Timer Interrupt Enable (GPT_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
18 | RESERVED | RO | - |
17 | Power Management Event Interrupt Enable (PME_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
16 | TX Status FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable (TXSO_EN) | R/W | 0b |
15 | Receive Watchdog | R/W | 0b |
14 | Receiver Error Interrupt Enable (RXE_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
13 | Transmitter Error Interrupt Enable (TXE_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
12 | GPIO Interrupt Event Enable (GPIO_EN) | R/W | 0b |
11 | RESERVED - This bit must be written with 0b for proper operation. | R/W | 0b |
10 | TX Data FIFO Overrun Interrupt Enable (TDFO_EN) | R/W | 0b |
9 | TX Data FIFO Available Interrupt Enable (TDFA_EN) | R/W | 0b |
8 | TX Status FIFO Full Interrupt Enable (TSFF_EN) | R/W | 0b |
7 | TX Status FIFO Level Interrupt Enable (TSFL_EN) | R/W | 0b |
6 | RX Dropped Frame Interrupt Enable (RXDF_INT_EN) | R/W | 0b |
SMSC LAN9312 | 177 | Revision 1.4 |