
The term “shotbox” refers to a function whereby for each specified region any snapshot or keyframe effect can be recalled simultaneously.

The simultaneous recall setting data such as region names, snapshot numbers and keyframe effect numbers are stored in “registers.” There are 99 registers for each control panel.


Register #1




Register #2




Register #3




Register #99










M/E-1: Snapshot #1


M/E-1: Snapshot #1


M/E-1: Effect #1


P/P: Effect #2

User2: Effect #5


DME ch1: Snapshot #15


P/P: Effect #90


DME ch1: Snapshot #1

DME ch3: Effect #1


GPI: Effect #1


User1: Effect #1


















Auto Run: On


Auto Run: Off


Auto Run: Off


Auto Run: On
















Shotbox registers

The previous figure shows schematically the settings in the 99 shotbox registers.

Each register may contain any combination of the regions to which the register applies, with the snapshots or effects to be recalled.

The Auto Run function is an attribute which can be set for each register. When this is set to On, an effect recalled by a shotbox operation is automatically run.

When register 1 is executed, this recalls M/E-1 snapshot 1, User2 effect 5, and DME ch3 effect 1. For register 1, auto run is On, and therefore the User2 and DME ch3 effects are run as soon as they have been recalled.

When register 3 is executed, M/E-1 effect 1, P/P effect 90, and User1 effect 1 are recalled. For register 3, auto run is off, and therefore to run the recalled effects, press the [RUN] button in the keyframe control block.

Shotbox settings and execution

Carry out shotbox register settings from the Shotbox menu or using the numeric keypad control block.

You can carry out shotbox execution using the numeric keypad control block, the Flexi Pad control block, the utility/shotbox control block, or the cross-point control block buttons.

For details of operation, see Chapter 15 “Shotbox” (Volume 2).

186 Shotbox