Powerful frame memory functions

In an MVS-8000 system, an HDTV system can hold 58 still image frames (88 frames in 720P/59.94 format), and an SDTV system can store 222 frames in memory, while up to eight frames can be recalled and used simultaneously. In an MVS-8000A system and MVS-8000G system, an HDTV system can hold approximately 1,000 still image frames or 2,000 frames in 720P/59.94 format, and an SDTV system can hold approximately 5,000 frames in 480i/

59.94format or 4,000 frames in 576i/50 format in memory, and up to eight frames can be recalled and used simultaneously.

Link operation with DME

By means of the dedicated DME interface, a range of DME functions including DME wipes and processed keys can be handled as switcher functions.

By connecting two MVE-8000/8000A or MVE-9000 units, in any combination, you can interface to a maximum of eight DME channels.

Note that the MVE-8000A and MVE-9000 can also be used with this system by connecting through an SDI interface.

Designed for use in a live broadcasting environment

Flexible control panel layout

Because of its modular design, the various sections of the control panel can be laid out as required. This allows a flexible layout appropriate to the system operation.

High-performance user interface

The menu control block provides a large color LCD panel, with rapid touch- panel menu selection.

The source name displays and buttons in the Flexi PadTM and shotbox control blocks have color backlit LCD displays. The signal names, and graphical representations of the patterns associated with buttons provide intuitive feedback, and allow the immediate decisions that are required in a live operating environment.

Features of the MVS-8000 Multi Format Switcher System 23