Memory Frame 7 Chapter

3 In the Frame Memory menu, select VF4 ‘File’ and HF1 ‘Pair Recombination.’

The Pair Recombination menu appears.

4 Press [Couple].

This converts the files output to FM1 and FM2 to a pair.

Splitting a pair file into two single files


Carrying out the following operation automatically switches [Pair] to Off.

The following description applies to the case of FM1and FM2, but the procedures are similar for the other cases.

1 In the Frame Memory >Still >Recall menu or Frame Memory >Clip >Recall menu, recall the pair file.

2 In the Frame Memory menu, select VF4 ‘File’and HF1 ‘Pair Recombination.’

The Pair Recombination menu appears.

3 Press [Separate].

The FM1 and FM2 pair file is split into separate single files.

Moving Files

Moving files

1 In the Frame Memory menu, select VF4 ‘File’ and HF5 ‘Move.’

The Move menu appears. The status area shows files to be moved in the upper area, and destination files in the lower area.

2 Select the folder which contains the file to be moved.

3 Using any of the following methods, select the file to be moved.

Press the arrow keys to scroll the display.

Press directly on the thumbnail in the status area.

Turn the knobs.

528 Image Data Management