Full mode: All settings except transition (the same parameters as simple mode, Fine Key, key modifiers, main and sub mask settings, chroma key detailed settings, and so on)

For the settings for these modes, see “Settings Relating to Keys, Wipes and Frame Memory (Key/Wipe/FM Menu)” in Chapter 16 (Volume 2).

Key Snapshots

Key settings other than the key on/off status and the key priority can all be instantaneously saved in a dedicated register, for recall when required. A key snapshot comprises three values: a cross-point button number, key memory full mode, and independent key transition, and can be called in any combination. There are four key snapshot registers for each keyer.

For details of key snapshot operations, see “Key Snapshots” (page 433).


The blink function provides the following effects.

Key blink: The key is inserted and deleted at the specified frequency.

You can also set the frequency and the proportion of the cycle for which the key is inserted.

Edge blink: Key fill and key edge fill are interchanged at the specified frequency. You can specify both the frequency and the proportion of the cycle for which the interchange occurs.

The blink settings are in the Transition menu for each key. (See “Blink Function” (page 404).)

Key Default

With a simple operation you can return the key adjustment values to their defaults.

The adjustment values which can be returned to their default values are as follows.

Adjustment values for the particular key type (Clip, Gain, Density, Filter, etc.)

In the case of chroma keying, all adjustment values return to their default values.

Key position

Key inversion

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