Accessing Menus
You can use any of the following methods to access a menu, and the initially displayed menu page depends on the method used.
•Pressing a top menu selection button in the menu control block.
This displays the page you last accessed in the particular menu. After initially powering on the system, however, the page of VF1 - HF1 of the particular menu is always selected.
•Pressing a button other than a top menu button twice in rapid succession (see page 316).
Depending on the button, this may display a fixed page or the page selected last time you accessed the menu.
•Press the menu page selection button at the top left of the menu display.
The top menu window appears; press the top menu selection button for the particular menu, or enter the menu number with the numeric keypad, and press the Enter button.
For details of the VF buttons and HF buttons, see “Interpreting the Menu Screen” (page 322).
314 Basic Menu Operations