Keyboard window


Except when changing source names, the following characters cannot be used. The same applies to macro file editing.

space, \, /, :, ;, , (comma), . (dot), <, >, *, ?, ",

4BS button

1 Item display

2 Input string

3 Close button

qd Line feed button














7 Space button


0 Left button

6 Shift button








9 Del button




5 Caps Lock button







8 Clear button





qa Right button






qs Enter button




Panel Control and Menus 2 Chapter

aItem display

This is the name of the parameter being set in the keyboard window.

bInput string

This is the character string being input in the keyboard window.

cClose button

This closes the keyboard window.

dBS button

This clears the character immediately before the cursor in the input string.

eCaps Lock button

This enables input of capital letters only.


You can enter items to be displayed on the control panel LCD using lowercase letters, but these will be converted to capitals for display.

Basic Menu Operations 331