Wipes DME 6 Chapter

DME Wipe Snapshots

DME Wipe Snapshot Operations With the Flexi Pad

To carry out DME wipe snapshot operations, use the Flexi Pad control block. You can save, recall and delete DME wipe snapshots using the procedures similar to the procedures for wipe snapshot operations. In DME wipe snapshot operations, use the [DME] button instead of the [WIPE] button used in wipe snapshot operations.


A button in the memory recall section in which a DME wipe snapshot is saved shows the pattern, and lights yellow.

For a user-programmable DME, the register number (see page 483) appears. Depending on the setting of the Setup menu (see “Operation Settings (Operation Menu)” in Chapter 16 (Volume 2)), you can also display a register name.

In a simple type Flexi Pad control block, it is not possible to delete a DME wipe snapshot.

For details of the operating procedures, see “Wipe Snapshots” (page 460).

DME Snapshot Operations With the Menus

In the same way as for wipe snapshots, you can save, recall, and delete DME snapshots.

For details of the operations, see “Wipe Snapshot Operations With the Menus” (page 463).

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