using simple transition module 435

Key source

name display 264, 307 selection 387 selection buttons 268

Key transition selection buttons 302

Key type

selection buttons 268 setting 379

Keyboard window 331 Keyer

copy 99 swap 99 Keyframe 168

control block 281 duration 171 effect registers 166 status 323 strobe 143

KF button 263 Knob 269, 294

parameter buttons 323 K-SS button 305


Left button 332 Lens 136

Level selection buttons 290 Lighting 140

Line feed button 332 Linear key 48

Local coordinate space 111 Location

size 118 XYZ 116

Lock function 508 Luminance key 48



bank display 259 copy 98

swap 98 Macro 210

attachment 218 creating 213 editing 212, 214, 218 events 210 execution 215 menu macro 222 overview 210 registers 210 timeline 216

Magnitude 66

MAIN and SUB delegation button 235

Main mask 56 using 397, 414

Main menu site 335 Main/sub modifier link 63 Maintenance 193 Manual transition 45, 359 Mask (DME) 130 Masks 55, 397, 414 Master

region 166

snapshot registers 167 timeline registers 167 timelines 181

Matte data copy 100 swap 100

Max./min. value indication 330

Melt 139


card slot 295 initialization 192 recall buttons 298

Memory card/USB adaptor block 295

“Memory Stick”/USB connections block 296

“Memory Sticks” 296 Menu

accessing 314, 321 control block 294 display 294 operations 323 organization 313

page number button 322 screen 322

shortcut menu 335 shutting down 333 switching between the

main menu sites 335 title button 322

top menu list 313 MENU button 276 Menu macros 222 Metal 129

Minus button 330 Mirror 135

Misc menu operations 548 MIX 90, 261, 263, 311 Mix 41, 61

Mode selection buttons 265, 285, 303

Modulation 69, 452 Mono 127 MORE button 269 Morphing 61 Mosaic 128

glass 132 wipes 563 Motion decay 142 Multi 67, 451, 459 mirror 135 move 127

Multi Program 2 230 basic operation 232 restriction 243

MVE-8000A 109

MVE-9000 109


NAM 42, 90, 261, 311 Nega 128

Negative NAM 61 Network configuration 187 Next transition 34

selecting 34

selection buttons 261, 310 Non-additive mix 42, 261,


Nonlinear effects 131 Non-Sync state 360 Normal

edge 413


Index 585