Operating manual
Saving, loading and resetting the condigurations
When defining a new configuration of variables to be displayed and parameters modified at the oscilloscope, the system allows saving that configuration into a file.
Likewise, the system allows loading a configuration that was saved previously or resetting the current configuration.
To save the current configuration, go to the configuration screen and press the "Save" softkey.
After this, a new screen appears showing the available configurations with the focus on the last one.
Also, it is possible to rename the new configuration whose extension must be "osc".
To load a previously saved configuration, go to the configuration screen and press the "Load" softkey.
Then, a new screen appears showing a list of previously saved configurations, being possible to select any of them.
Pressing the "Reset" softkey of the configuration screen deletes or initializes the current configuration. There are neither variables nor parameters selected and the rest of conditions (colors, trigger, etc.) assume the values assigned by default.
ASSISTANCE | Oscilloscope |
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)