Operating manual
15.1.1 Screen description
The diagnosis screen shows the following information.
A. It shows the hardware and software configuration of the CNC.
System diagnosis: Information on the system elements; CNC version, user name, microprocessor(s) used, status of the various system memories, etc.
Software diagnosis: Information about the modules that make up the CNC software and the software options installed.
CNC8070 diagnosis: Information about the elements connected to the CNC through the Can bus and Sercos (drives, input/output cards, etc.).
B. Diagnosis of the selected element.
C. CNC messages.
To switch windows, press the relevant key.
After selecting an element of the configuration
Hide or display the list of resources of an element.
DIAGNOSIS | diagnosis mode |
| Appearance of the |
To move the cursor through the elements of the list.
To move the cursor to the beginning or end of the list.
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)