Operating manual
2.5File selection window
OPERATE THE CNC | File selection window |
CNC 8070
The file selection window is common to all operating modes. This window is displayed when, from an operating mode, the operator selects the option to open, save or import a file, open or load a table, etc.
From this window, it is possible to either select an existing file or create a new one. A new file may be created only when it is a valid action. Depending on the operating mode it is accessed from, the list will only show the proper files.
A. Type of file to be selected.
B. Folders accessible from the CNC, as well as how they are structured. It shows all the elements accessible from the CNC, such as the hard disk, floppy disk drive,
C. Files contained in the selected folder.
D.Area to define the name of the new files. A file can also be selected when knowing its name.
Move around in the window
Besides the mouse, the following keys may be used.
It switches the window focus.
With the focus on a folder, it closes and opens the submenu of folders.
To move the focus through the elements of the window.
To move the focus page by page.
To move the focus to the beginning or end of the list.
Opens the selected file.
To cancel the selection and close the program listing.
(SOFT V03.0X)