In this operating mode, the PLC may be accessed to check its operation or the status of the different PLC variables. It is also possible to edit and analyze the PLC program as well as the message and error files of the PLC.
MDI mode selection
The PLC mode may be accessed either using the user key customized for it or from the tasks window. The task window may be accessed with key combination [CTRL]+[A].
What can you do in this work mode?
In short, the PLC mode offers the following operations:
•Edit, modify or view the contents of the PLC project.
•Debug the PLC program by executing the different parts of the program separately (first cycle, main module, periodic module).
•Analyze the behavior of the logic signals of the PLC program depending on a time base and triggering conditions set by the user.
•Monitor the status of PLC resources and variables.
•See all the resources used in the PLC project and in which program of the project they are being used.
•Run statistics on execution times of the PLC project and of the modules that form it.
•Edit, modify or view the texts associated with the messages and errors of the PLC.
8070 CNC
(SOFT V03.0X)