Operating manual
13.3.4 Define and execute the movement subroutine
In order to run the test, the axes of the machine must be executing a circular interpolation. The axes must be moving before initiating the point capture and they must keep moving during the whole process. To achieve this, a repetitive movement must be executed.
i | The movement of the axes is managed from the operator panel. The softkey |
menu only controls the data capture for the graphics. |
Subroutine associated with the circularity test
The circular interpolation is executed with the subroutine associated with the circularity test. This subroutine is located in the folder "C:\CNC8070 \MTB \SUB \testcirc_vx.nc", where vx indicates the subroutine version and neither its name nor its location must be changed. This subroutine may be modified by the OEM to adapt it to his needs.
Some data of the subroutine are defined in this window.
•Plane where the circle is executed.
•Circle center coordinates.
•Circle radius.
•Programmed feedrate.
•Turning direction of the axes. The turning direction is given by an icon. To change the turning direction, place the focus on the icon and press [SPACE].
Execute the associated subroutine
Press the [START] key to execute the subroutine. The subroutine data cannot be modified while it is being executed. The movement must be stopped before editing any of the data.
When trying to execute the subroutine, if it is not in its
Example of a subroutine
The following example executes a repetitive circular movement in the XY plane. In this case, the repetitive movement is carried out in an endless loop using the "GOTO" command. The movement is stopped with the [STOP] key of the operator panel.
G1 G5 X0 Y0 F1000
G2 X0 Y0 I10 J0
SETUP ASSISTANCE | circularity (roundness) test |
| The |
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)