Operating manual
2.6.1Defining expressions
An expression may consist of one or more operations. Each one of them may be defined by any valid combination of variables, constants, functions and operations.
Press [ENTER] To accept the expression entered and calculate the value.
Quick parenthesis insertion
To place a portion of an expression between parenthesis, select the portion and press one of the parenthesis keys "(" or ")".
If while a portion of the expression is selected, an operation key is pressed, the selection will appear between parenthesis and it will be preceded by the operation just defined.
Example: Having the expression "1+1/X+1/(X+1)+1". When selecting the "1/(X+1)+1" portion and pressing the "SIN" option, the expression will become "1+1/X+Sin(1/(X+1)+1)".
Variables for the calculator
Up to 26 variables (from "A" to "Z", except "Ñ",) may be used to store numeric values and use them later.
Assigning a value to a variable: A = 34.234
Reference to a variable: Sin(A/2)
A single expression may contain both assignment and reference operations. Use the ":" character as separator.
| A=34.234:Sin(A/2) is the same as Sin((A=34.234)/2) |
i | The values of the calculator variables "A" - "Z" are independent from the values |
of local parameters "A" - "Z" (also called P0 through P25). |
The following constants are available and they may be accessed from the softkey menu.
PI | Value of pi (3.14159...) |
MM | mm/inch conversion factor. |
INCHES | inch/mm conversion factor. |
Various operations
In the following examples, the "x" and "y" values indicate any valid combination of constants, variables or expressions.
Binary operations.
AND | Binary AND | 1001 AND 1010 = 1000 |
OR | Binary OR | 1001 OR 1010 = 1011 |
XOR | Exclusive OR | 1001 XOR 1010 = 0011 |
NOT | Inverse | NOT 101 = 1···1010 |
THE CNC | Calculator |
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)