Manuals directed to the machine manufacturer or to the person in charge of doing the installation and
Hardware manual.
It describes the hardware configuration and the technical data of each element.
Installation Manual.
It describes how to install and start up the CNC.
Manuals directed to the end user; that is, to the CNC operator.
Operating Manual.
Describes how to operate the CNC.
Programming Manual.
It describes how to program the CNC.
Examples manual.
It contains programming examples.
Other manuals, directed to the machine manufacturer and to the end user.
Manual for New Features.
It is optional. It describes the new features and modifications implemented since the version of the installation, operating and programming manuals.
Error solving manual.
It offers a description of the error messages that may appear on the CNC indicating the probable causes that originate them and how to solve them.
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)