Operating manual
15.3Sercos diagnosis
DIAGNOSIS | Sercos diagnosis |
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)
| General information about the bus |
| General purpose, it shows the following information about the Sercos bus. |
Version | SERCON chip version. |
Loop time | Time between two synchronization messages (MST). It is the same as general |
| parameter LOOPTIME. |
T2 | Time from the MST until the CNC starts sending the telegram with the position |
| commands (MDT). |
T3 | Time from the MST until the drives have the position commands. |
T4 | Time from the MST when the drives read the feedback values. |
TL | Time from the MST until the RT IT takes place at the CNC. |
Distortion errors | Distortion error counter at the CNC. |
Ring errors | Sercos ring error counter. |
Phase | Current Sercos phase. |
Phase status | Phase status (0 = OK). |
Logic ID and name | Name and driveID (number of the rotary switch) of the Sercos axes. |
General information about the bus
It shows the following information for each drive. | |
General information | |
T1 | Time from the MST until the drive starts sending its telegram (AT). |
Control word | Contents of the drive's control word. |
Status word | Contents of the drive's status word. |
Name | Name of the Sercos axis. |
Error information | |
"Reset Hard" counter | Number of times that the drive has been reset. |
Distortion errors | Counter of distortion errors detected at the drive. |
AT errors | Counters of AT reception errors of each drive. |
Information on the last operation carried out by the service channel | |
ID | Processed Sercos ID. |
Element | Processed data (Name, Units, min/max Value, Status, Value, Attributes). |
Process | Operation carried out (Read, Write). |
Command status | In processes with commands, it indicates its status. |
Error code | Operation error code (0 = OK). |