Operating manual
MAGAZINE TABLE | Tool table |
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)
"B" - Cutter width
This data is only shown for turning tools.
ACutter angle.
CCutting angle.
BCutter width.
Lc | Cutting length. |
"Rp" - Tool tip radius
Tool tip radius.
"RpW" - Tool tip radius wear
Tool tip radius wear.
The CNC will add this value to the nominal tool tip radius to calculate the actual (real) tool tip radius ("Rp" + "Rp wear").
"Lc" - Cutting length
Length of the cutting edge.
"Ae" - Entry angle
This data is only shown on tools that are not for turning.
Penetration angle for pocket milling.
Tool offsets
On milling tools, it is used to define the tool position when using a tool holder or an intermediate tooling.
On turning tools, it is used to define the tool length in each axis.
Tool offset wear
Tool offset distance.