Operating manual
14.7–Monitoring– service
This service monitors the value of the parameters and variables of the drive. The user selects the variables and parameters to be monitored.
The command bar is located at the bottom of the window. See "14.3 Command bar" on page 302.
List of variables or parameters
The ADD softkey shows a window where one can select the variables or parameters to be monitored and they will be shown on the screen. Variables and parameters of any drive may be selected.
Use the INITIALIZE softkey to clear the whole list. To delete a variable or parameter from the list, select it and press the [DEL] key.
The SAVE softkey saves the list into a file and theLOAD softkey restores the list from a file.
Monitoring the status of variables or parameters
Press the START softkey of the horizontal menu to start monitoring. Press the STOP softkey to stop monitoring.
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)