Operating manual
Spindle control
It is used to govern the spindle. It consists of the following keys.
Start the spindle clockwise.
To stop the spindle.
Start the spindle counterclockwise.
To vary the spindle speed percentually.
Spindle orientation.
Execution keys
Cycle start key.
It executes the program selected in the execution mode regardless of the active work mode (except for MDI mode). If the program has been interrupted, it resumes its execution.
If MDI mode is active, it executes the block just edited.
Cycle stop key.
It interrupts the execution of the program or the MDI block.
RESET key.
It initializes the system setting the initial conditions as defined by machine parameters.
Single-block execution mode.
It selects the single block execution mode. When this mode is active, the execution of the program is interrupted at the end of each block.
Home search.
It is used to reference (home) one or several axes at the same time using a subroutine.
External devices
The functions of these keys are defined by the machine manufacturer and they allow controlling the various devices of the machine (coolant, chip remover, etc.).
GENERAL CONCEPTS | Description of the keys |
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)