Operating manual
OPERATE THE CNC | Operating modes |
2.2Operating modes
2.2.1How to access to the operating modes
The CNC operating modes may be accessed from the keyboard or from the task window that is displayed with the key combination [CTRL]+[A].
Each operating mode may consist of several screens or pages. Switching between the different screens is done by pressing the access key for that operating mode. Every time it is pressed, it displays the next screen. The screen selection is rotary in such a way that when pressing this key on the last screen, it shows the first one.
Accessing the operating modes from the keyboard
The following operating modes may be accessed from the keyboard.
Automatic mode.
Jog mode.
MDI mode.
Editing - simulation mode.
User tables.
Tool and magazine table.
Utilities mode.
Also, the keyboard has a special key that may be configured by the machine manufacturer to access their specific operating modes.
• Machine parameters.
• PLC.
•Diagnosis mode.
•Setup assistance.
CNC 8070
(SOFT V03.0X)