Command: config authen_login default method xtacacs tacacs+ local
delete authen_login method_list_name
Purpose | Used to delete a previously configured user defined method list of |
| authentication methods for users logging on to the Switch. |
Syntax | delete authen_login method_list_name <string 15> |
Description | This command is used to delete a list for authentication methods for |
| user login. |
Parameters | <string 15> - Enter an alphanumeric string of up to 15 characters to |
| define the given method list to delete. |
Restrictions | Only |
Example usage:
To delete the method list name “Trinity”:
Command: delete authen_login method_list_name Trinity
show authen_login
Purpose | Used to display a previously configured user defined method list of |
| authentication methods for users logging on to the Switch. |
Syntax | show authen_login [default method_list_name <string 15> all] |
Description | This command is used to show a list of authentication methods for |
| user login. The window will display the following parameters: |
| Method List Name – The name of a previously configured |
| method list name. |
| Priority – Defines which order the method list protocols will |
| be queried for authentication when a user attempts to log on |
| to the Switch. Priority ranges from 1 (highest) to 4 (lowest). |
| Method Name – Defines which security protocols are |
| implemented, per method list name. |
| Comment – Defines the type of Method. |
| refers to server group defined by the user. |
| refers to the TACACS, XTACACS, TACACS+ and RADIUS |