To display the current OSPF interface settings, for a specific OSPF interface:
| |
Command: show ospf ipif ipif2 |
Interface Name: ipif2 | IP Address: ((Link Up) |
Network Medium Type: BROADCAST | Metric: 1 |
Area ID: | Administrative State: Enabled |
Priority: 1 | DR State: DR |
DR Address: | Backup DR Address: None |
Hello Interval: 10 | Dead Interval: 40 |
Transmit Delay: 1 | Retransmit Time: 5 |
Authentication: None |
Total Entries: 1 |
show ospf all
| Purpose | Used to display the current OSPF settings of all the OSPF |
| interfaces on the Switch. |
| Syntax | show ospf all |
| Description | This command will display the current OSPF settings for all OSPF |
| interfaces on the Switch. |
| Parameters | None. |
| Restrictions | None. |
Usage Example: |
To display the current OSPF interface settings, for all OSPF interfaces on the Switch:
Command: show ospf all
Interface Name: System | IP Address: (Link Up) |
Network Medium Type: BROADCAST | Metric: 1 |
Area ID: | Administrative State: Enabled |
Priority: 1 | DR State: DR |
DR Address: | Backup DR Address: None |
Hello Interval: 10 | Dead Interval: 40 |
Transmit Delay: 1 | Retransmit Time: 5 |
Authentication: None |
Interface Name: ipif2 | IP Address: ((Link Up) |
Network Medium Type: BROADCAST | Metric: 1 |
Area ID: | Administrative State: Enabled |
Priority: 1 | DR State: DR |
DR Address: | Backup DR Address: None |
Hello Interval: 10 | Dead Interval: 40 |
Transmit Delay: 1 | Retransmit Time: 5 |
Authentication: None |
Total Entries: 2 |