Purpose | Used to log in a user to the Switch’s console. |
Syntax | login |
Description | This command is used to initiate the login procedure. The user |
| will be prompted for his Username and Password. |
Parameters | None. |
Restrictions | None. |
Example usage:
To initiate the login procedure:
Command: login
Purpose | Used to log out a user from the Switch’s console. |
Syntax | logout |
Description | This command terminates the current user’s session on the |
| Switch’s console. |
Parameters | None. |
Restrictions | None. |
Example usage:
To terminate the current user’s console session:
config command_prompt
Purpose | Used to configure the command prompt for the Command Line |
| Interface. |
Syntax | config command_prompt [<string 16> username default] |
Description | This command is used to configure the command prompt for the |
| CLI interface of the Switch. The current command prompt |
| consists of “product name + : + user level + product name” (ex. |
| |
| prompt, except the # by entering a string of 16 alphanumerical |
| characters with no spaces, or the user may enter the current |
| login username configured on the Switch. |
Parameters | <string 16> - Enter an alphanumeric string of no more than 16 |
| characters to define the command prompt for the CLI interface. |
| username – Entering this parameter will replace the current CLI |
| command prompt with the login username configured on the |