Computer Equipment
TM DES-6500
CLI Manual
TM DES-6500
334 pages
1.5 Kb
Show error ports
Max Age Forward Delay
Create admin user username
Connecting to the Switch
Reset config system
Show authdiagnostics
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Image 1
CLI Manual
Product Model :
Modular Layer 3 Chassis Ethernet Switch
Release 3
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Image 1
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CLI Manual
Table of Contents
Initial CLI screen
Setting the Switch’s IP Address
Assigning an IP Address
Connecting to the Switch
Using the Console CLI
Initial Console Screen
Example Command Parameter Help
Available Commands Prompt
Angle brackets
Command Syntax
Square brackets
Vertical bar
Reset config
Reset config system
Command Parameters
Basic Switch Commands
Create admin user username
Config account
Config account username
Create account
Delete account
Show account
Show account
Delete account username
Show config currentconfig configinNVRAM
Show config
Show session
Show session
Show switch
Show serialport
Show serialport
Show devicestatus
Show devicestatus
Enable clipaging
Config serialport
Config serialport autologout never 2minutes
Enable clipaging
Enable telnet
Disable clipaging
Enable web
Disable telnet
Disable web
Disable web
DES-65004#disable web Command disable web Success
DES-65004#reset config Command reset config Success
Config commandprompt
Config greetingmessage default
Config greetingmessage
Success DES-65004#
Show greetingmessage
Show greetingmessage
Config ports
Switch Port Commands
Learning enabled disabled − Enables or disables the MAC
Flowcontrol enabled disabled Enable or disable flow control
Show ports
Show ports portlist description
Example usage To display port descriptions
Config portsecurity ports
Port Security Commands
Show portsecurity ports portlist
Show portsecurity
Delete portsecurityentryvlanname vlanname 32 port
Delete portsecurityentryvlanname
Port macaddress macaddr
Network Management Snmp Commands
Create snmp user
Level will be used
Sha − Specifies that the HMAC-SHA-96 authentication
Show snmp user
Delete snmp user
Delete snmp user SNMPname
Show snmp user
Create snmp view
Create snmp view viewname 32 oid viewtype included
Show snmp view
Delete snmp view
Delete snmp view viewname 32 all oid
Show snmp view viewname
Create snmp community communitystring 32 view viewname
Create snmp community
Readonly readwrite
Show snmp community
Delete snmp community
Delete snmp community communitystring
Show snmp community communitystring
Config snmp engineID snmpengineID
Config snmp engineID
Show snmp engineID
Show snmp engineID
Create snmp group groupname 32 v1 v2c
Create snmp group
Noauthnopriv authnopriv authpriv readview
Delete snmp group groupname
Delete snmp group
Show snmp groups
Show snmp groups
Create snmp host ipaddr v1 v2c v3 noauthnopriv
Create snmp host
Authnopriv authpriv authstring
Delete snmp host ipaddr authstring
Delete snmp host
Create trustedhost
Show snmp host
Show snmp host ipaddr
Create trustedhost ipaddr
Show trustedhost
Create trustedhost command above
Delete trustedhost
Show trustedhost
Enable snmp authenticatetraps
Enable snmp traps
Enable snmp traps
Enable snmp authenticatetraps
Disable snmp authenticatetraps
Disable snmp traps
Show snmp traps
Config snmp systemlocation
Config snmp systemcontact
Config snmp systemcontact swcontact
Config snmp systemlocation swlocation
Enable rmon
Config snmp systemname
Config snmp systemname swname
Enable rmon
DES-65004#enable rmon Command enable rmon Success
Disable rmon
Disable rmon
DES-65004#disable rmon Command disable rmon Success
Switch Utility Commands
FirmwarefromTFTP ipaddr pathfilename 64 unit
Alllinecard cpu unitid 1-8 cfgfromTFTP ipaddr
Download configuration Done DES-65004#
Upload cfgtoTFTP logtoTFTP ipaddr pathfilename
Ping ipaddr times value 1-255 timeout sec
Enable autoconfig
Enable autoconfig
Download configuration
Show autoconfig
Disable autoconfig
Disable autoconfig
Show autoconfig
Show packet ports
Network Monitoring Commands
Show packet ports portlist
Show error ports portlist
Show error ports
Show utilization ports cpu
Show utilization
Show stackinformation
Show stackinformation
Clear counters
Current state
Box Count DES-65004#
Clear log
DES-65004#clear log Command clear log Success
Show log
Clear log
Disable syslog
Enable syslog
Create syslog host
Show syslog
Show syslog
Informational informational messages
Create syslog host
Config syslog host
Config syslog host
Config syslog host all severity informational warning all
Config syslog host all
Local7 udpport udpportnumber state enabled
Facility local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6
Informational informational messages
Messages to the remote host, specified above, to be enabled
State enabled disabled − Allows the sending of syslog
Udpport udpportnumber − Specifies the UDP port number
Show syslog host
Delete syslog host
Delete syslog host index 1-4 all
Show syslog host index
Config systemseverity trap log all critical warning
Config systemseverity
Show systemseverity
Show systemseverity
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol Mstp Commands
Disable stp
Enable stp
Enable stp
DES-65004#enable stp Command enable stp Success
Config stp
Config stp version
Lbdrecovertimer 0 value 60-1000000 This field will set
Config stp ports portlist externalCost auto value
Config stp ports
True false p2p true false auto state enable disable
Lbd enable disable
Create stp instanceid value
Create stp instanceid
Config stp instanceid value 1-15 addvlan removevlan
Config stp instanceid
Config stp priority value 0-61440 instanceid value
Config stp priority
Delete stp instanceid
Delete stp instanceid value
Config stp mstports
Config stp mstconfigid
Config stp mstports
Show stp
Max Age Forward Delay
Show stp
Show stp instanceid
Show stp ports
Show stp ports portlist
Show stp instanceid value
Show stp mstconfigid
Show stp mstconfigid
4094 DES-65004#
Vid list
Create fdb
Forwarding Database Commands
Create fdb vlanname 32 macaddr port port
Config multicastfdb vlanname 32 macaddr add
Config multicastfdb
Create multicastfdb
Create multicastfdb vlanname 32 macaddr
Delete multicastfdb vlanname 32 macaddr
Delete multicastfdb
Config fdb agingtime sec
Config fdb agingtime
Delete fdb
Delete fdb vlanname 32 macaddr
Clear fdb
DES-65004#clear fdb all Command clear fdb all Success
Clear fdb vlan vlanname 32 port port all
Show fdb
Show multicastfdb
Show ipfdb
Show ipfdb ipaddr
Config traffic control
Broadcast Storm Control Commands
Multicast enabled disabled − Enables or disables multicast
Broadcast enabled disabled − Enables or disables broadcast
Deciding when incoming packets exceed the Threshold value
Config traffic controlrecover
Seconds with the default setting of 5 seconds
Config traffic controlrecover portlist all
Show traffic control
Config traffic controltrap
QOS Commands
Config bandwidthcontrol portlist all rxrate nolimit
Config bandwidthcontrol
Value 1-9999 txrate nolimit value
Value 1-9999 − Specifies the packet limit, in Mbps, that
Show bandwidthcontrol
Above ports will be allowed to transmit
Show bandwidthcontrol portlist
Config scheduling classid 0-6 maxpacket value
Config scheduling
Weighted round-robin WRR method of forwarding packets as
Config 802.1p userpriority priority 0-7 classid
Config 802.1p userpriority
Show scheduling
Show scheduling
Show 802.1p userpriority
Show 802.1p userpriority
Show 802.1 defaultpriority
Config 802.1p defaultpriority
Config 802.1p defaultpriority portlist all priority
Show 802.1p defaultpriority portlist
Config scheduling mechanism strict weightfair
Config schedulingmechanism
Show schedulingmechanism
Show schedulingmechanism
Disable holprevention
Enable holprevention
Enable holprevention
Disable holprevention
Show holprevention
Show holprevention
Config mirror port add
Port Mirroring Commands
Config mirror port port add source ports portlist rx tx
Config mirror port port delete source port portlist rx tx
Config mirror port delete
Disable mirror
Enable mirror
Show mirror
Show mirror
Create vlan
Vlan Commands
Encap ethernet llc snap all Specifies that the Switch will
DES-65004#delete vlan Command delete vlan Success
Config vlan add
Delete vlan
Delete vlan vlanname
Advertisement enabled disabled − Enables or disables Gvrp
Config vlan delete
Config vlan vlanname 32 delete portlist
Config gvrp portlist all state enabled disabled
Config gvrp
Ingresschecking enabled disabled acceptableframe
Taggedonly admitall pvid vlanid
Disable gvrp
Enable gvrp
Vlan Name Default
DES-65004#show vlan Command show vlan
Show vlan
Show vlan vlanname
Show gvrp portlist
Show gvrp
Ingress Checking Acceptable Frame Type
Create linkaggregation
Link Aggregation Commands
Create linkaggregation groupid value 1-32 type lacp
Config linkaggregation groupid value 1-32 masterport
Config linkaggregation
Port ports portlist state enabled disabled
Delete linkaggregation groupid
Config linkaggregation algorithm macsource
Config linkaggregation algorithm
Macdestination macsourcedest ipsource
Ipdestination ipsourcedest
Show linkaggregation groupid value 1-32 algorithm
Show linkaggregation
Config lacpport portlist mode active passive
Config lacpport
Show lacpport portlist
Show lacpport
Create ipif
IP Commands Including Multiple IP Interfaces PER
Create ipif ipifname 12 networkaddress vlanname
Config ipif ipifname 12 ipaddress networkaddress
Config ipif
Vlan vlanname 32 state enabled disabled bootp
Enable ipif ipifname 12 all
Enable ipif
DES-65004#enable ipif s2 Command enable ipif s2 Success
Delete ipif
Disable ipif
Show ipif ipifname
Show ipif
Config igmp
Igmp Commands Including Igmp
Show igmp
Lastmemberqueryinterval value 1-25 state enabled
Show igmp ipif ipifname
Show igmp group group group ipif ipifname
Show igmp group
Config igmpsnooping
Igmp Snooping Commands
Config igmpsnooping vlanname 32 all hosttimeout
Sec 1-16711450 routertimeout sec
Config igmpsnooping querier vlanname 32 all
Config igmpsnooping querier
Lastmemberqueryinterval sec 1-25 state enabled
Queryinterval sec 1-65535 maxresponsetime sec
Enable igmpsnooping forwardmcrouteronly
Enable igmpsnooping
Lastmemberqueryinterval sec 1-25 − The maximum amount
Config routerports
Disable igmpsnooping
Disable igmpsnooping forwardmcrouteronly
Config routerports vlanname 32 add delete portlist
Config routerportsforbidden vlanname 32 add delete
Config routerportsforbidden
Show igmpsnooping
Show routerports
Show routerports vlan vlanname 32 static dynamic
Show igmpsnooping group
Show igmpsnooping forwarding vlan vlanname
Show igmpsnooping forwarding
Access Authentication Control Commands
Disable authenpolicy
Enable authenpolicy
Enable authenpolicy
Disable authenpolicy
Create authenlogin methodlistname string
Create authenlogin methodlistname
Show authenpolicy
Show authenpolicy
Config authenlogin default methodlistname string
Config authenlogin
Concerning the enable admin command
Method tacacs xtacacs tacacs+ radius servergroup
Authenticated using the Xtacacs protocol from a remote
Authenticated using the Tacacs protocol from a remote
Authenticated using the Radius protocol from a previously
Configured Radius server
Show authenlogin
Delete authenlogin methodlistname
Delete authenlogin methodlistname string
Show authenlogin default methodlistname string 15 all
Create authenenable methodlistname string
Create authenenable methodlistname
Config authenenable default methodlistname string
Config authenenable
String 15 localenable none
Authenticated using the Radius protocol from a remote
Authenticated using the TACACS+ protocol from a remote
Radius server previously implemented on the Switch
Require the user to be authenticated using a user-defined
Show authenenable
Delete authenenable methodlistname
Delete authenenable methodlistname string
Show authenenable default methodlistname string 15 all
Config authen application console telnet ssh http all
Config authen application
Login enable default methodlistname string
Show authen application
Show authen application
None timeout int 1-255 retransmit
Default DES-65004#
Create authen serverhost
Create authen serverhost ipaddr protocol tacacs xtacacs
Config authen serverhost ipaddr protocol tacacs xtacacs
Config authen serverhost
Delete authen serverhost ipaddr protocol tacacs xtacacs
Delete authen serverhost
Tacacs+ radius
Show authen serverhost
Show authen serverhost
Create authen servergroup
Config authen servergroup
Server host is using the Xtacacs authentication protocol
Server host is using the Tacacs authentication protocol
Server host is using the TACACS+ authentication protocol
Server host is using the Radius authentication protocol
Show authen servergroup
Delete authen servergroup
Delete authen servergroup string
Show authen servergroup string
Config authen parameter responsetimeout int
Config authen parameter responsetimeout
Config authen parameter attempt int
Config authen parameter attempt
Show authen parameter
Parameter attempt int 1-255 Set the maximum number
Config admin localenable
Enable admin
Enable admin
DES-65004#enable admin Password
SSH Commands
Disable ssh
Enable ssh
Config ssh authmode
Show ssh authmode
Show ssh authmode
Show ssh server
Config ssh server
Config ssh user username 15 authmode Hostbased
Config ssh user
Password Publickey None
Hostname string hostnameIP string ipaddr
Show ssh user authmode
Config ssh algorithm
Show ssh algorithm
Show ssh algorithm
SSL Commands
Enable ssl
Disable ssl ciphersuite RSAwithRC4128MD5
Disable ssl
DES-65004#disable ssl Command disable ssl Success
Show ssl cachetimeout
Config ssl cachetimeout
Config ssl cachetimeout timeout value
Show ssl cachetimeout
Download certificate
Show ssl
802.1X Commands
Show 802.1x user
Create 802.1x user
Create 802.1x user username
Show 802.1x user
Show 802.1x authconfiguration ports portlist all
Show 802.1x authconfiguration
Delete 802.1x user
Delete 802.1x user username
Forces the Authenticator of the port to become Authorized
Show 802.1x authstate ports portlist all
Show 802.1x authstate
Config 802.1x authmode portbased macbased
Config 802.1x authmode
Config 802.1x capability ports portlist all authenticator
Config 802.1x capability ports
Config 802.1x authparameter
Reauthperiod sec 1-65535 − Configures the time interval
Config 802.1x authprotocol
Enablereauth enable disable − Determines whether or not
Config 802.1x authprotocol local radiuseap
Config 802.1x init portbased ports portlist all
Config 802.1x init
Macbased ports portlist all macaddress macaddr
Config 802.1x reauth portbased ports portlist all
Config 802.1x reauth ports
Config radius delete
Config radius add
Config radius serverindex 1-3 ipaddress serverip key
Config radius
Show radius
Passwd 32 authport udpportnumber
Show acctclient
Show authclient
Show authdiagnostics
Show authclient
Show authsessionstatistics
Show authstatistics ports portlist all
Show authstatistics
Access Control List ACL Commands Including CPU
Create accessprofile profileid 1 ip sourceipmask
Command Parameters
Accessprofile command, below
Create accessprofile for Ethernet
Create accessprofile profileid value 1-8 ethernet vlan
Sourcemac macmask destinationmac macmask
Config accessprofile profileid for Ethernet
Delete accessid value 1-65535 − Use this command to delete a
Create accessprofile IP
Mask hex 0x0-0xffffffff
0x0-0xffff dstportmask hex 0x0-xffff protocolid user
Userdefine hex 0x0-0xfffffff − Enter a hexidecimal value
Config accessprofile profileid IP
Their header
Create accessprofile packet content mask
Config accessprofile profileid packet content mask
Written to the Dscp field of an incoming packet that meets
May be specified for the Packet Content access profile
Over-write the value in the Dscp field of the packet
Config accessprofile command, below
Create accessprofile ipv6
Create accessprofile ipv6 profileid value 1-8 class
Flowlabel sourceipv6mask ipv6mask
Value 1-65535 ipv6 class value 0-255 flowlabel hex
Config accessprofile profileid ipv6
0xfffff sourceipv6 ipv6addr destionationipv6
Ipv6addr port port permit priority value
Specified for the IPv6 access profile
Delete accessprofile
Delete accessprofile profileid value
Show accessprofile profileid value
Show accessprofile
Create cpu accessprofile
Delete cpu accessprofile profileid value
Delete cpu accessprofile
Config cpu accessprofile
Userdefinemask hex 0x0-0xffffffff − Specifies that the rule
Disable cpuinterfacefiltering
Enable cpuinterfacefiltering
Show cpuinterfacefiltering
Show cpuaccessprofile profileid value
Show cpuaccessprofile
Safeguard Engine Commands
Config safeguardengine state enable disable utilization
Config safeguardengine
Enable disable mode strict fuzzy
Rising value 20-100 falling value 20-100 traplog
Show safeguardengine
Show safeguardengine
Config trafficsegmentation
Traffic Segmentation Commands
Config trafficsegmentation portlist all forwardlist null
All portlist
Show trafficsegmentation portlist
Show trafficsegmentation
Link Single IP Management Commands
Command Parameters
Disable sim
Enable sim
Show sim
Candidates candidateid 1-100 Entering this parameter will
Group commandermac macaddr Entering this parameter will
Example usage To view SIM neighbors
Config simgroup
Config sim commander groupname groupname
Config sim
Candidate dpinterval 30-90 holdtime sec
To change the hold time of the discovery protocol
Download simms
Download simms firmware configuration ipaddr
Pathfilename members mslist 1-32 all
Upload simms configuration ipaddr pathfilename
Upload simms configuration
Config sntp
Time and Sntp Commands
Config sntp primary ipaddr secondary ipaddr poll
Interval int
Enable sntp
Enable sntp
Show sntp
Show sntp
Config time
Disable sntp
Config timezone operator + hour gmthour
Config dst
Min minute
Show time
Show time
Create arpentry
ARP Commands
Delete arpentry
Create arpentry ipaddr macaddr
DES-65004#delete arpentry Command delete arpentry Success
Config arpaging time
Config arpaging time value
Show arpentry
Show arpentry ipaddress ipaddr
Show arpentry ipaddress
Clear arptable
DES-65004#clear arptable Command clear arptable Success
Clear arptable
Enable vrrp
Vrrp Commands
Enable vrrp ping
DES-65004#enable vrrp Command enable vrrp Success
Disable vrrp
DES-65004#enable vrrp ping Command enable vrrp ping Success
Disable vrrp ping
Criticalipstate enable disable
Enable disable priority int 1-254 advertisementinterval
Create vrrp vrid
Vrid vrid 1-255 ipif ipifname 12 ipaddress ipaddr state
Config vrrp vrid vrid 1-255 ipif ipifname 12 state enable
Config vrrp vrid
Disable priority int 1-254 ipaddress ipaddr
Criticalip ipaddr criticalipstate enable disable
Config vrrp ipif
Show vrrp ipif ipifname 12 vrid vrid
Show vrrp
Delete vrrp
Primary backup
Routing Table Commands
Create iproute
Create iproute networkaddress ipaddr metric
Create iproute default ipaddr metric
Create iproute default
Delete iproute networkaddress ipaddr primary backup
Delete iproute
Delete iproute default ipaddr
Delete iproute default
Show iproute
Show iproute networkaddress static rip ospf
Create route redistribute dst ospf src
Route Redistribution Commands
Create route redistribute dst ospf src static rip local
Mettype 1 2 metric value
Create route redistribute dst rip src all internal external
Create route redistribute dst rip src
Type1 type2 inter+e1 inter+e2 metric value
Src all internal external type1 type2 inter+e1 inter+e2 −
Static Not applicable
Config route redistribute dst ospf src
Config route redistribute dst rip src local static ospf all
Config route redistribute dst rip src
Internal external type1 type2 inter+e1 inter+e2
Metric value
Delete route redistribute dst rip ospf src rip static local
Delete route redistribute
Show route redistribute dst rip ospf src rip static local
Show route redistribute
Type-2 Total Entries DES-65004#
Config dhcprelay
Dhcp Relay Commands
Config dhcprelay hops value 1-16 time sec
Config dhcprelay delete ipif
Config dhcprelay add ipif
Config dhcprelay add ipif ipifname 12 ipaddr
Config dhcprelay delete ipif ipifname 12 ipaddr
Config dhcprelay option82 check
Config dhcprelay option82 state
Config dhcprelay option82 state enable disable
Config dhcprelay option82 check enable disable
Config dhcprelay option82 policy replace drop keep
Config dhcprelay option82 policy
Show dhcprelay
Show dhcprelay ipif ipifname
Enable dhcprelay
Enable dhcprelay
DES-65004#enable dhcprelay Command enable dhcprelay Success
Disable dhcprelay
Disable dhcprelay
Config dnsr
DNS Relay Commands
Config dnsr primary secondary nameserver ipaddr
Add delete static domainname 32 ipaddr
Enable dnsr cache static
Enable dnsr
DES-65004#enable dnsr Command enable dnsr Success
Disable dnsr cache static
Disable dnsr
DES-65004#disable dnsr Command disable dnsr Success
Show dnsr
Config rip
RIP Commands
Disable rip
Enable rip
Enable rip
DES-65004#enable rip Command enable rip Success
Show rip
DES-65004#disable rip Command disable rip Success
Show rip ipif ipifname
Config dvmrp ipif ipifname 12 all metric value
Config dvmrp
Probe sec 1-65535 neighbortimeout sec
Neighbortimeout second 1-65535 − The time period for
Disable dvmrp
Enable dvmrp
Enable dvmrp
DES-65004#enable dvmrp Command enable dvmrp Success
Show dvmrp neighbor
Show dvmrp routingtable
System 250 Total Entries DES-65004#
Show dvmrp nexthop
Show dvmrp nexthop ipaddress networkaddress ipif
Ipifname Ip3
Show dvmrp System Leaf Ip3 System Leaf Ip2
Config pim
PIM Commands
Config pim ipif ipifname 12 all hello sec
Jpinterval sec 1-18724 state enabled disabled
Disable pim
Enable pim
Show pim
Show pim neighbor
Show pim neighbor ipif ipifname 12 ipaddress
Show pim ipif ipifname
Show ipmc cache
IP Multicasting Commands
Show ipmc cache group group ipaddress
Show ipmc ipif ipifname 12 protocol inactive dvmrp
Show ipmc
Config md5 key
MD5 Configuration Commands
Create md5 key keyid 1-255 password
Config md5 key keyid 1-255 password
Delete md5 key
DES-65004# delete md5 key Command delete md5 key Success
Show md5
Delete md5 key keyid
Ospf Configuration Commands
Enable ospf
Config ospf routerid
Config ospf routerid ipaddr
Enable ospf
Show ospf
Disable ospf
Advertise None
Delete ospf area
Create ospf area
Config ospf area areaid type normal stub
Config ospf area
Stubsummary enabled disabled − Allows the Ospf area
Show ospf area
Delete ospf hostroute
Create ospf hostroute
Create ospf hostroute ipaddr area areaid metric
Delete ospf hostroute ipaddr
Config ospf hostroute ipaddr area areaid metric
Config ospf hostroute
Show ospf hostroute
Show ospf hostroute ipaddr
Delete ospf aggregation
Create ospf aggregation
Config ospf aggregation areaid networkaddress
Config ospf aggregation
Advertise enabled disabled − Allows for the advertisement
Show ospf aggregation
Show ospf lsdb areaid areaid advertiserouter
Show ospf lsdb
Ipaddr type rtrlink netlink summary assummary
Show ospf neighbor
DES-65004#show ospf lsdb Command show ospf lsdb Area
Show ospf virtualneighbor
Show ospf neighbor ipaddr
Config ospf ipif ipifname 12 area areaid priority
Config ospf ipif
Authentication none simple password 8 md5
Keyid 1-255 metric value 1-65535 state enabled
Config ospf all area areaid priority value
Config ospf all
Authentication none simple password 8 md5 keyid
Metric value 1-65535 state enabled disabled
Show ospf ipif ipifname
Show ospf ipif
Show ospf all
Show ospf all
Create ospf virtuallink areaid neighborid
Create ospf virtuallink
Config ospf virtuallink areaid neighborid
Config ospf virtuallink
Show ospf virtuallink
Delete ospf virtuallink
Delete ospf virtuallink areaid neighborid
Show ospf virtuallink areaid neighborid
Enable jumboframe
Jumbo Frame Commands
Disable jumboframe
Enable jumboframe
Show jumboframe
DES-65004#show jumboframe Command show jumboframe Off
Show jumboframe
Command History List
Show commandhistory
Config commandhistory value
Config commandhistory
Technical Specifications
RAM Buffer
Transmission Method
Filtering Address Table
Packet Filtering
Data Transfer Rates