To disable rip:
DES-6500:4#disable rip
Command: disable rip
show rip
Purpose | Used to display the RIP configuration and statistics for the |
| Switch. |
Syntax | show rip {ipif <ipif_name 12>} |
Description | This command will display the RIP configuration and statistics for |
| a given IP interface or for all IP interfaces. |
Parameters | ipif <ipif_name 12> − The name of the IP interface for which to |
| display the RIP configuration and settings. If this parameter is not |
| specified, the show rip command will display the global RIP |
| configuration for the Switch. |
Restrictions | None. |
Example Usage:
To display RIP configuration:
Command: show rip
RIP Global State : Disabled
RIP Interface Settings
Interface | IP Address | TX Mode | RX Mode | Authen- | State |
| tication |
System | | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled |
Total Entries : 1