Section 2 | ||
MTABLE is the special keyword indicating that UniMass data follows, 1 stands for the channel number where the data is being installed, and 4 indicates the number of lines (data points). The last number must match the number of lines or else the table will not be correctly formed.
Each line corresponds to each point. Sonic velocity is first, followed by temperature (the input variables). Then comes specific gravity followed by viscosity (the output variables). Do not use commas between the items, only single spaces. A carriage return is expected after each line, EXCEPT for the last one.
For example, line 1 of MTABLE 1 4 (1510.0 30.0 1.1 2.7) shown above is read as follows:
1510.0 (Sonic Velocity) 30.0 (Temperature) 1.1 (Specific Gravity) 2.7 (Viscosity)
You may save this file by using a name suggested by the liquid in question. Once the file is saved use HyperTerminal to send it as a simple text file to the PC serial port of the 1010 flowmeter. It is suggested that a moderate data rate be used (1200 baud) for this function since the meter is fairly busy computing and interpolating during the installation of the table.
[Changing Temp & Vs] - Press the <Right Arrow> to access.
The [Changing Temp & Vs] lookup table must be serially loaded using the HyperTerminal “Send Text” command. This table can be generated using a utility provided by Controlotron, which converts the Vs and temperature data into a uniform 10x10 grid array and formats it appropriately for serial download.
Below is a sample input data file for gasoline and diesel fuel that was empirically derived from sound velocity data obtained using a 1010 flowmeter installed on a fuel pipeline. The task of obtaining sound velocity, as a function of density and temperature, can also be performed in a laboratory environment under conditions of controlled temperature and liquid properties.
Gasoline and Diesel fuel UniMass input file.
1625, | 0.8838, | 92.4 | |
1579, | 0.8762, | 53 | |
0, | 1533, | 0.8685, | 26 |
20, | 1487, | 0.8608, | 16 |
40, | 1441, | 0.8530, | 9.7 |
1445, | 0.7755, | 1.362 | |
1393, | 0.7658, | 1.022 | |
0, | 1341, | 0.7560, | 0.83 |
20, | 1289, | 0.7460, | 0.72 |
40, | 1237, | 0.7360, | 0.64 |
The file must be in the form shown in the example above, with a START and END keyword to denote the limits of the data. The data does not have to be sorted in any particular order. A description of the data can be included at the top of the file since this will be ignored by the 10x10 grid generating pro- gram.