3.6 Accutune Set Up Group
Accutune III automatically calculates GAIN, RATE, and RESET TIME (PID) tuning constants for your control loop. When initiated on demand, the Accutune algorithm measures a process step response and automatically generates the PID tuning constants needed for no overshoot on your process.
Fuzzy, Fuzzy Overshoot Suppression: When enabled, this configuration will suppress or eliminate any overshoot that may occur as a result of the existing tuning parameters, as the PV approaches the setpoint.
Tune, Demand Tuning: The tuning process is initiated through the operator interface keys or via a digital input (if configured). The algorithm then calculates new tuning parameters and enters them in the tuning group. Tune will operate with PIDA, PIDB, PD+MR and Three Position Step Control algorithms.
SP, SP Tuning: SP tuning continuously adjusts the PID parameters in response to setpoint changes. You can select tuning on minimum setpoint changes of
5 % up to 15 % span. Perform SP tuning after you have configured the controller. SP Tuning does not operate with the Three Position Step Control algorithm.
Simplex Tuning is used when a Simplex Control Algorithm is configured and uses the current SP value and alters the output over the Output Limit Range.
Duplex Tuning is used when a Duplex Control Algorithm is configured. To perform a Duplex Tune, Two Local Setpoints must be configured per the Control Group in Section 3.11.
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