Chapter 2 131
Performance Verification Tests
17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B
7. Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude to obtain a
Channel A power meter reading of −14 dBm ±0.1 dB.
75Ω Inputs, Opt 1DP: Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a
Channel A power meter reading of −10 dBm ±0.1 dB.
8. Record the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings below:
Channel A (reference sensor): ________ dBm
Channel B (buried sensor): ________ dBm
9. Calculate the splitter/attenuator tracking error as follows and record
the result below:
Tracking Error = Channel A Power − Channel B Power
For example, if Channel A Power is −14.07 dBm and Channel B
power is +6.23 dBm, the splitter tracking error is −20.30 dB.
Tracking Error: _______ dB
NOTE NOTE: Tracking errors when using the minimum loss pad will be
nominally −15.7 dB
10.Proceed to Part 2: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp Off.
Part 2. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp Off
Figure 2-18 Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Test Setup
1. On the synthesized signal generator set the controls as follows: