40 Chapter 2
Performance Verification Tests
Tests included in this section:
Manual use of Agilent 8494G and Agilent 8496G Attenuators
with the Agilent 11713A
When using the programmable versions of the 1 dB and 10 dB step
attenuator (Agilent 8494G and Agilent 8496G), the Agilent 11713A
Attenuator/ Switch Driver must be used to control the attenuators. The
Agilent 8494G 1 dB step attenuator should be connected as Attenuator
X and the Agilent 8496G 10 dB step attenuator should be connected as
Attenuator Y.
Use Table 2-2 to determine which of the Attenuator X and Attenuator Y
settings are use to set the step attenuators to the desired value. In the
columns labeled Attenuator X and Attenuator Y, a “1” indicates that
section is on (the LED in the button will be lit), while a “0” indicates
that section is off. For example, if the 1 dB step attenuator should be set
to 2 dB and the 10 dB step attenuator should be set to 60 dB, sections 2,
6, and 7 should be on (lit) and all other sections should be off.
47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic
Spurious Outputs
48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic
Spurious Outputs
49. Tracking Generator L.O.
LO Power
50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate
Length Accuracy
51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude
52. First LO OUTPUT Power Accuracy LO Power
53. IF INPUT Accuracy IF INPUT Correction
54. Comms Frequency Response Frequency Response Error Correction
55. Deleted None
56. Deleted None
57. Deleted None
58. GSM Phase and Frequency Error None
59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy IF Amplitude Adjustment
Table 2-1 Calibration Requirements
#Performance Verification Tests Calibration Adjustments