400 Chapter 2
Performance Verification Tests
54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH)
splitter. Connect the power splitter to the analyzer 50 Input using
an adapter. Do not use a cable. If measuring with the preamp on,
connect the 20 dB attenuator to the analyzer input. Refer to Figure
3. Set the source frequency to 50 MHz.
4. Set the source POWER LEVEL to –6 dBm.
5. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is
displayed. Set the controls as follows:
FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 800 MHz
CF Step, 10 MHz
SPAN, 0 kHz
Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (AC) (ESA 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz
(Tests 1–6) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, (Off) (Option 1DS only)
(Test 7) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, (On) (Option 1DS only)
AMPLITUDE, More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm
(Tests 1–6) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm
(Test 7) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –30 dBm
Attenuation, x dB (Man) Where x is listed in Table 2-109.
Scale/Div, 1 dB
(Tests 1, 2, 3, 6, 7) BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 kHz (Man)
(Tests 4, 5) BW/Avg, Res BW, 300 kHz (Man)
Video BW, 10 kHz (Man)
6. Press Marker.
7. Adjust the source POWER LEVEL to obtain a marker amplitude
reading of –12 dBm ±0.1 dB (Tests 1–6) or –32 dBm ±0.1 dB (Tests 7)
8. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-110 as the
current Channel B reading.
9. Trigger a sweep on the analyzer.
10.Perform a peak search on the analyzer. Manually press Peak Search
(or Search).
11.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-110.
12.Set the source to the next frequency listed in Table 2-110.
13.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in
Table 2-110 by pressing the FREQUENCY and up arrow keys to step
the center frequency.
14.Adjust the source POWER LEVEL to obtain a marker amplitude
reading of –12 dBm ±0.1 dB (Tests 1–6) or –32 dBm ±0.1 dB (Tests 7)
15.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-110 as the
current Channel B reading.
16.Trigger a sweep on the analyzer.