Chapter 2 401
Performance Verification Tests
54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH)
17.Perform a peak search on the analyzer. Manually press Search.
18.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-110 as
marker (Mkr1) Amptd.
19.Repeat step 12 through step 18 for each frequency in Table 2-110.
20.Copy the splitter tracking errors from Table 2-108 into Table 2-110.
For Tests 1–6, use the Preamp Off values. For Test 7, use the Preamp
On values.
21.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-110 as
For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –10.32 dBm, Current
Channel B is –10.2 and Splitter Tracking Error is 0.18 dB, Flatness
Error would be –0.30 dB.
22.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz
Ref Amptd:
50 MHz Ref Amptd: __________
23.Calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in
Table 2-110 as follows:
For example, if Flatness Error is –30.0 dB, 50 MHz Ref Amptd is
0.15 dB and setup change error is –0.19 dB, Flatness Relative to
50 MHz would be –0.45 dB.
24.Repeat step 2 through step 23 of Part 2 using the attenuation and
resolution bandwidth settings as indicated in Table 2-109 for Tests
25.If the analyzer is equipped with the optional preamplifier, Option
1DS, perform Part 1, the Source/Splitter Characterization again for
the Preamp On case.
26.If the analyzer is equipped with the optional preamplifier, Option
1DS, perform step 2 through step 23, Part 2, using the attenuation
and resolution bandwidth settings as indicated in Table 2-109 for
Test 7.
27.Proceed to Part 3: Test Results.
Flatness Error Mkr1 Amptd Current Channel B– Splitter Tracking Error–=
Flatness Relative to 50 MHz Flatness Error 50 MHz Ref Amptd–=