382 Chapter 2
Performance Verification Tests
50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B,
E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6)
Record the ∆Time (1)-(2) max value as the Maximum Gate Delay in
Table 2-106.
13.Clear all current oscilloscope measurements. Click on Measure, Clear,
and All Measurements.
14.Adjust the oscilloscope horizontal position to center the pulse on
Channel 2 on the display. Switching the trigger source to channel 2
will help with the measurement.
15.Activate the pulse width measurement function for channel 2 of the
Click on Measure, Time, and click on +width.
Set the Source to be channel 2 and click OK.
16.Record the +width (2) mean value in Table 2-106 as the 1 µs Gate
17.On the analyzer, press
Sweep, Sweep Time
150 ms, Sweep
Gate Setup (or Gate), Edge Setup (or Edge Gate)
Gate Delay, 10ms
Sweep, Gate Setup
Edge Setup (or Edge Gate), Gate Length, 65 ms
18.Set the universal counter controls as follows:
19.Record the universal counter readout value as the 65ms Gate Length
in Table 2-106.
Function Pos Width 1
Gate Time 0.1 s
Auto Trigger On
Channel 1
Coupling DC
Impedance 1 MΩ
X10 Atten Off
100 kHz Filter Off
Common 1 On