Chapter 2 237
Performance Verification Tests
27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B
27.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-64 as
For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –33.32 dBm, Current
Channel B is –12.4 dBm, and Splitter Tracking Error is –20.07 dB,
Flatness Error would be –0.85 dB.
28.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz
Ref Amptd:
50 MHz Ref Amptd: __________
29.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB and is being
tested in ac coupled mode, continue with step 31. Calculate the
Setup Change Error (error due to changing the test setup from using
a synthesized sweeper to using a function generator) as follows:
a. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-64 at 10 MHz using the
function generator as FlatErrorFG:
FlatErrorFG=__________ dB
b. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-64 at 10 MHz using the
synthesized sweeper as FlatErrorSS:
FlatErrorSS=__________ dB
c. Subtract FlatErrorSS from FlatErrorFG and record the result as
the Setup Change Error:
Setup Change Error =__________ dB
30.For frequencies less than 10 MHz calculate the Flatness Relative to
50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-64 as follows:
For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB, 50 MHz Ref Amptd is
0.15 dB, and Setup Change Error is –0.19 dB, Flatness Relative to
50 MHz would be –0.26 dB.
31.For frequencies 10 MHz and greater, calculate the Flatness Relative
to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-64 as follows:
For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB and 50 MHz Ref Amptd is
0.15 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.45 dB.
32.Replace the function generator with the synthesized sweeper.
Flatness Error Mkr1 AmptddBm Current Channel BdBm Splitter Tracking ErrordB
Setup Change Error FlatErrorFG FlatErrorSS
Flatness Relative to 50 MHz Flatness Error 50 MHz Ref Amptd– Setup Change Error–=
Flatness Relative to 50 MHz Flatness Error 50 MHz Ref Amptd–=