Chapter 2 345
Performance Verification Tests
43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ)
relative to the power level at 50 MHz.
Perform the next four steps for each measurement value in Table 2-95.
1. Set the center frequency of the analyzer according to the values in
Table 2-95. For 100 kHz, press FREQUENCY, 100 kHz.
The step up key (⇑) may be used to tune to center frequencies above
100 MHz.
Option 1DQ: Start at 1 MHz by pressing FREQUENCY, 1 MHz.
2. Press Single on the analyzer.
3. Enter the appropriate power sensor Cal Factor into the power meter
as indicated in Table 2-95.
4. Record the power level displayed on the power meter in the Level
Flatness column in Table 2-95.
Table 2-95 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet, 100 kHz
Level Flatness
Cal Factor
100 kHza0.1
300 kHza0.3
500 kHza0.3
1 MHz 1
2 MHz 3
5 MHz 3
10 MHz 10
20 MHz 30
40 MHz 50
50 MHz 0 (Ref) 50
80 MHz 100
100 MHz 100
250 MHz 300
400 MHz 300
550 MHz 300
700 MHz 1000
850 MHz 1000