Chapter 2 247
Performance Verification Tests
28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B
24.On the synthesized sweeper, press RECALL, 2.
25.On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the completion of a new
26.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), record the marker
delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude in the performance verification test record
as indicated in Table 2-67.
27.On the synthesized sweeper, press RECALL, 4.
28.On the analyzer press the following keys:
FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 100 MHz
AMPLITUDE, –5 dBm(50 Ω Input)
AMPLITUDE, 48.75 dBmV (75 Ω Input)
Marker, Normal
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
Peak Search (or Search), Meas Tools, Mkr → Ref Lvl
Peak Search (or Search), Meas Tools, Delta
29.On the synthesized sweeper, press RECALL 3 for a CW frequency of
1310.7 MHz.
30.Press Single on the analyzer and wait for a completion of a new
31.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker
delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude in the performance test record as indicated
in Table 2-67.