226 Chapter 2
Performance Verification Tests
26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B
10.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in
Table 2-61.
11.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search).
12.Adjust the source power level to obtain a marker amplitude reading
on the analyzer of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB.
13.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-61 as the
current Channel B reading.
14.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-61.
15.Repeat step 9 through step 14 for each remaining frequency in
Table 2-61.
16.Replace the synthesized sweeper with the function generator.
17.Set the function generator amplitude to 112 mV rms (–6 dBm, or
–12 dBm plus nominal power splitter insertion loss).
18.Set the function generator frequency to 1 MHz.
19.Set the analyzer center frequency to 1 MHz.
20. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search).
21.Adjust the function generator amplitude to obtain a marker
amplitude reading of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB.
22.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-61 as the
current Channel B reading.
23.Record the analyzer marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-61
as marker (Mkr1) amplitude.
24.Repeat step 18 through step 23 for frequencies between 100 kHz and
10 MHz.
25.Copy the Splitter Tracking Error values from Table 2-60 into
Table 2-61.
26.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-61 as
For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –33.32 dBm, Current
Channel B is –12.4 dBm, and Splitter Tracking Error is –20.07 dB,
Flatness Error would be –0.85 dB.
27.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz
Ref Amptd:
50 MHz Ref Amptd: __________ dB
28.Calculate the Setup Change Error (error due to changing the test
setup from using a synthesized sweeper to using a function
Flatness Error Mkr1 AmptddBm Current Channel BdBm Splitter Tracking ErrordB