Chapter 2 135
Performance Verification Tests
17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B
Det/Demod, Detector, Sample
6. Press AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts.
7. Press Peak Search (or Search).
8. Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the
appropriate equation below:
Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm
9. Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 4 from
the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 8. Record the difference,
Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log), as TR Entry 3 in the
performance verification test record:
Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log) = Marker Amptd (dBm) -
Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm)
10.Press AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin), More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd
Units), Volts .
11.Press Peak Search (or Search).
12.Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the
appropriate equation below:
Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm
13.Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 4 from
the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 12. Record the difference,
Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin), as TR Entry 4 in the
performance verification test record:
Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin) = Marker Amptd (dBm) -
Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm)
14.Press Preset and wait for the preset routine to finish. Press System,
Alignments, Auto Align, All.
50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 log10
×Mkr V2
75Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 log10
×Mkr V2
50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 log10
×Mkr V2
75Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 log10
×Mkr V2