192 Chapter 2
Performance Verification Tests
24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B
2. Set the source frequency to 10 MHz.
3. Set the source power level to the value corresponding to the source
power setting in Table 2-49 for the current source frequency
(10 MHz).
4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is
displayed. Set the controls as follows:
FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 10 MHz
CF Step, 100 MHz
SPAN, 20 kHz
Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (DC) (Agilent E4404B, E4405B, or
any model with Option UKB)
AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, (Off) (Option 1DS only)
AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm
Attenuation, 10 dB (Man)
Scale/Div, 1 dB
BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 kHz (Man)
Video BW, 3 kHz (Man)
5. Adjust the source power level to obtain the Channel B power meter
reading recorded in Table 2-49 ±0.1 dB.
6. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-50 as the
Current Channel B Reading for dc (coupling).
7. On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search).
8. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-50 for dc
9. Set the source to the next frequency listed in Table 2-50.
10.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in
Table 2-50.
11.Adjust the source power level to obtain the Channel B power meter
reading recorded in Table 2-49 ±0.1 dB for the current frequency.
12.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-50 as the
current Channel B reading.
13.On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search).
14.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-50.
15.Repeat step 9 through step 14 for each remaining frequency in Table
16.If the analyzer under test is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB
and is being tested in ac coupled mode, continue with step 26. These
analyzers are specified only down to 10 MHz in ac coupled mode.
17.Replace the synthesized sweeper with the function generator.