Chapter 2 235
Performance Verification Tests
27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B
Measuring Frequency Response, Preamp On
1. Refer to Figure 2-41. Remove the reference sensor (Channel A
sensor) from the 20 dB fixed attenuator. Connect the 20 dB fixed
attenuator to the 50 Input of the analyzer using an adapter. Do not
use a cable.
Figure 2-41 Frequency Response Test Setup, Preamp On
2. Set the source frequency to 10 MHz.
3. Set the source power level to –6 dBm.
4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is
displayed. Set the controls as follows:
FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 10 MHz
CF Step, 100 MHz
SPAN, 20 kHz
Input/Output (or Input), Coupling, (DC) (Agilent E4404B, E4405B,
or any model with Option UKB)
AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, On
AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –30 dBm
Attenuation, 0 dB (Man)
Scale/Div, 2 dB
BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 kHz (Man)
Video BW, 3 kHz (Man)
b. This entry is for data taken with the synthesized
sweeper as source.