Chapter 2 217
Performance Verification Tests
25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B
Figure 2-37 Frequency Response Test Setup, Preamp On
75 inputs: Connect the 20 dB fixed attenuator to the analyzer 75
Input using a mechanical adapter and a 75 , Type-N(m) to BNC(m)
2. Set the source frequency to 100 kHz:
75 inputs: Set the source frequency to 1 MHz.
3. Set the source amplitude to –6 dBm.
4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is
displayed. Set the controls as follows:
FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 100 kHz (50 Input)
FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 1 MHz (75 Input)
CF Step, 100 MHz
SPAN, 20 kHz
AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (On)
AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm
AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –30 dBm
Attenuation, 0 dB (Man)
Scale/Div, 2 dB
BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 kHz (Man)
Video BW, 3 kHz (Man)
5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search).
6. Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a marker amplitude reading
on the analyzer of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB.
7. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-58 as the
Current Channel B reading.