Chapter 2 321
Performance Verification Tests
37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B
Measuring Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)
Use the following procedure for testing DANL over most frequency
ranges. The start and stop frequencies and test RBW (1 kHz or 10 Hz)
are specified in the DANL Measurement Sequence Table (Table 2-87 or
Table 2-88).
1. If the test RBW is 10 Hz and the analyzer has Option 1DN (1.5 GHz
Tracking Generator) installed, press Source, Amplitude (Off).
2. Set the analyzer as follows:
Auto Couple
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, (enter specified start frequency)
FREQUENCY, Stop Freq, (enter specified stop frequency)
Attenuation 0 dB
AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz) if test
Measure DANL 12 GHz 13.2 GHz 1 kHz Off 6)
B Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz On 7/19)
Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz On 8/20)
Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz On 9/21)
C Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz Off 10)
Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz Off 11)
Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz Off 12)
Measure DANL 3 GHz 6 GHz 10 Hz Off 13)
Measure DANL 6 GHz 12 GHz 10 Hz Off 14)
Measure DANL 12 GHz 13.2 GHz 10 Hz Off 15)
D Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz On 16/22)
Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz On 17/23)
Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz On 18/24)
a. There are two possible entries for measurements made with the preamplifier
on, depending upon the ambient temperature. The first entry is for measure-
ments made with an ambient temperature outside of the 20° to 30° C range, but
within the 0° to 55° C range. The second entry is for measurements made with
an ambient temperature within the 20° to 30° C range.
Table 2-88 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4405B
Subset Procedure
Procedure Parameters Test
Freq Stop Freq Test